3 Day Folklore Challenge

Results – Wednesday 25 October 2023

Results – Wednesday 25 October 2023

Welcome to the final(ish) day of the Everyday Folklore 3 Day Challenge!

Folklore and the ritual year can be very handy if you don’t want to do something, but it needs to be done. For example, we’re about to segue into the festive season where there is a day earmarked for making your Christmas pudding (Stir Up Sunday), there’s an embargo on putting up and a deadline for taking down Christmas decorations (depending on who you ask, location and the resulting penalties), and the requirement to ensure the house is clean for New Year (a trait shared across many different cultural celebrations for New Year).

And today I did not want to make like a cobbler, but the folklore gave me the motivation I needed to finally attend my long suffering boots. Which I did. Like I said in the instructions, folklore is not always glamorous, but it can be practical. I gave them a brush, added suede protector (surprisingly cold on the fingers and rather stinky) and ignored several mud stains that I hadn’t managed to remove.

And so the Everyday Folklore 3 Day Challenge comes to a close with de-cobwebbed boots and the lingering smell of synthetic orange and cleaning chemicals. Except not really. There’s a bonus day tomorrow which I hope, even if you haven’t managed the last couple of days, you’ll join in. And we have results day for yesterday’s bay leaf divination on Halloween. Plus, as I’ve now cobbled, I get to raise my glass. Although given this is Publication Eve, I’m not sure I can afford a hangover tomorrow. So if I am going to be in defiance of today’s proclamation ‘cursed be the cobbler that goes to bed sober’, I might just pop a spare bay leaf in my pocket for protection against evil spirits. You may or may not wish to do the same…

Congratulations on completing the Everyday Folklore 3 Day Challenge! Let me know how you got on with the whole shebang in the comments below! And should you need more information on curses

Published by Liza Frank

Author of My Celebrity Boyfriend. Obsessed with hula hooping, sons of preachermen and fresh dates, sometimes all at the same time. Curator of Folklore Agony and The Everyday Lore Project.

2 comments on “Results – Wednesday 25 October 2023”

  1. Rebecca Wright says:

    I semi- cleaned some shoes, continued with the bay leaves & raised a glass of mulberry vodka, cheers

    1. That sounds rather perfect! I’ll be round later for a slug of that delicious sounding booze, if I may?

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