Come and challenge my syllables if you think you’re hard enough! Or, if you’re after a totally original stocking filler, bid on me in the Mari Lwyd Charity Auction in aid of Refuge and get a bespoke haiku on the folklore subject of your choice!
Halloweird: Classic stories from the season of Samhain edited by Johnny Mains ~ Book Review
Those that know me, know I’m a sucker for anything Halloween related. This is why I was so excited to get my hands on Halloweird: Classic…
Everyday Folklore One Year On
Fancy a folklore quiz to celebrate the first anniversary of the publication of Everyday Folklore: An almanac for the ritual year? Of course you do….
Treasury of Folklore: Stars and Skies: Sun Gods, Storm Witches and Soaring Steeds by Willow Winsham ~ Book Review
I’m a bit late to this celestial party. But what with all the aurora borealis excitement this month, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to read Stars and Skies given my slight, ahem, obsession with trying to count seven stars for seven nights on 211 consecutive days between 2020 and 2021.
Photo by Anna Tarazevich on
I Am Folklorist, Hear Me Roar
I’ve been on two podcasts recently to talk about Everyday Folklore, practical folklore and what I’ve been up to in general…