Those that know me, know I’m a sucker for anything Halloween related. This is why I was so excited to get my hands on Halloweird: Classic…
Everyday Folklore One Year On
Fancy a folklore quiz to celebrate the first anniversary of the publication of Everyday Folklore: An almanac for the ritual year? Of course you do….
Photo by Anna Tarazevich on
I Am Folklorist, Hear Me Roar
I’ve been on two podcasts recently to talk about Everyday Folklore, practical folklore and what I’ve been up to in general…
A Howling We Did Go
In celebration of Everyday Folklore’s Publication Day, and Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night, it all got a little noisy…
Bonus Day Instructions – 26 October 2023
Welcome to your bonus day challenge! Today I would like to invite you to get howling in celebration of my UK publication day!