Everyday Folklore

I’ve got something to show you…

I’ve got something to show you…

In case you were wondering what Everyday Folklore looks like in 3D, or indeed what I sound like when I’m a tiny bit terrified, fill your boots….

There’s only one more month left until Everyday Folklore hits the shelves, but should you be so inspired, here’s the link to pre-order your copy now: https://geni.us/yb19J8W (did someone say “stocking filler”?).

I’m off to moisturise my old lady fingers and maybe have a sit down….

Don’t forget to scroll down and subscribe to my blog to get updates on the above, folklore news and answers from the Folklore Agony Aunt post bag of problems….

Published by Liza Frank

Author of My Celebrity Boyfriend. Obsessed with hula hooping, sons of preachermen and fresh dates, sometimes all at the same time. Curator of Folklore Agony and The Everyday Lore Project.

8 comments on “I’ve got something to show you…”

  1. leecarnell says:

    That’s amazing, congratulations!

  2. Freyalyn Close-Hainsworth says:

    That looks marvellous! Well done.

  3. Suzanne Harris says:

    Can’t wait, we’ll done Liza

  4. Jennifer Dian says:

    Your new baby looks wonderful! I am really looking forward to having my own copy.

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