I wasn’t meaning to post again so soon after yesterday, but then I was reminded of this:

the Soul cake I made this time last year with my lovely friends, Sarah and Robert, that I set aside for luck. It’s been sitting on my kitchen window sill and I had honestly forgotten what it was. Until today. And despite an unrelentingly challenging year, I’m going to go folklore for the win! Because on balance I have been lucky this year. Whether or not that’s to do with the properties of the Soul cake is another matter, but I’ll take it. Also, who doesn’t like a day devoted to death and biscuits?
Enjoy the last day of Allhallowtide and don’t forget to tell me your folklore preference, should I decide to run another project…
I shall quickly make soul cakes this evening before my online class.
Do it!
Hi Lisa,
Love your posts. I’ve voted for one option but really I’d like all of them!
Wishing you a happy folklore rest of the year.
Hi Liz, thank you! And have a lovely happy folklore rest of the year too!