In Guernsey, Christmas Eve Eve is traditionally called La Longue Veille, or The Long Knitting Evening. It was a time to finish any outstanding knitting…
11 December 2020 – Christmas Jumper Day
I right royally cocked up the folklore today. I was blithe in the knowledge that I had a simple bit of weatherlore to observe and…
26 August 2020 – 66 Days Until
Two things: today marks the 2/3rds way through anniversary of The Everyday Lore Project. Woo hoo! Only another 133 days to go… And also, it’s…
19 July 2020 – Spanish Armada
Today I made this: It’s the anniversary of the first sighting of the Spanish Armada in 1588, off Lizard Point in Cornwall. And one of…
14 July 2020 – Bastille Day
I am very tired and this is a bit convoluted, so as briefly as possible: It’s Bastille Day in France I’ve made croissants before and…