Everyday Folklore

I Am Folklorist, Hear Me Roar

I Am Folklorist, Hear Me Roar
Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com

Well not so much roar, more like politely chat. And sometimes forget how I’ve started my sentences. I’ve been on two podcasts recently to talk about Everyday Folklore, The Everyday Lore Project, practical folklore and what I’ve been up to in general.

The first is the delightful Appalachian Folklore Podcast hosted by the lovely Aaron Bobick. This one was recorded in December and released on New Year’s Day so is literally a little last season, albeit still relevant given there’s a bonus episode on New Year’s folklore which if listened to now, will allow you time to bone up for the next New Year’s Eve on 24 March! The AF Podcast is relatively new but already has a brilliant list of episodes under its belt.

The second is the equally delightful and slightly intimidating The Folklore Podcast hosted by the equally lovely and not at all intimidating Mark Norman. And this has just been released. In its ninth season, I’ve been listening to and being influenced by The Folklore Podcast for many years and never dreamed I’d make it as a guest seeing as it’s the Big Cheese of folklore podcasts. I reference cheese as I vaguely remember rattling on about tyromancy, or divination by cheese with Mark. And I say vaguely remember as I’ve not managed to bring myself to listen to either of the podcasts yet. So feel free to let me know what you think and please do subscribe to both podcasts as my episodes aside, they are both a cracking listen!

Two one more things…
1) Should you have a dilemma, problem, itch, quandary, predicament, conundrum or awkward situation that could do with a steer from an outside eye, The Folklore Agony Aunt is at your disposal. Your plight need not be folklore related, just let the sweet FAA know what’s up and she’ll get down with some advice.

2) Should you have been so kind as to have bought Everyday Folklore and enjoyed it, please spread the word by leaving a review on your website/social media site of choice. It would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Published by Liza Frank

Author of My Celebrity Boyfriend. Obsessed with hula hooping, sons of preachermen and fresh dates, sometimes all at the same time. Curator of Folklore Agony and The Everyday Lore Project.

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