Just eaten a lot of cake, and now I’m in a bit of a brain fog. Navigating this post might be tricky.
I’ve made it to Half Way Through! Woo hoo! The Everyday Lore Project started on 7 January (that was an epically tricky post to write due to me being amped up on adrenaline and very hungover), and not only is it the 6th month anniversary today, 7 July, it’s actually the very half way point as I’m on day 183 of 366. Admittedly, that was a fluke, but I’m still giving myself props.
So to celebrate I made good use of it also being World Chocolate Day, and made a cake. Some traditions, especially ones including baked goods, should never be ignored. And long story short, via Twitter and some brilliant suggestions over many tweets, I went with this one:
- Because I love beetroot and beetroot is in season
- Because I found a recipe that I didn’t need to subvert
- Because the recipe I found used honey, and July is very much a honey month
- Did I say how much I love beetroot?
And here is the proof. I may or may not have licked both spoons clean. And the bowl.

Weirdly as it was cooking, my kitchen smelled of fish and chips. But then I suppose I was cooking a batter of root vegetables, oil and salt.

And even if I do say so myself, it’s delicious. Not too sweet. You can still taste the beetroot (I may or may not have put a little extra in, as well as some chilli flakes). Very gooey in the middle. Sadly no taste of honey and it could have done with some walnuts or something to give it a bit more texture. But seeing as I’ve already polished off a second slice, I’m not complaining that loudly. And it’s very, very chocolatey. And given that cacao was once thought of as a digestive cure (as well as an aphrodisiac with added stamina), I feel after yesterday’s chamomile failure quite justified in my consumption. For research purposes. Obviously.
So thank you to everyone who’s helped me, performed ridiculous acts of folklore with me, encouraged me (for good and ill), kept me going, fed me, led me, read me, and spread the word. Massive heart emoji. And here’s to the next six months. And maybe a third slice. After all, the cocoa tree isn’t called Theobroma Cacao, or Food of the Gods, for nothing.
And as I now drift off into a cake fuelled coma, final word to my favourite chocolate related comedy, reminded to me by my lovely friend, Jenny. Although it does kind of dispute the whole aphrodisiac thing.
If you’re curious to know what I got up to on a certain day in the last six months, just pop the date you’re after into the search box at the top. And if you like what you read, please share and subscribe (you can do both really easily by scrolling down). See you tomorrow.
But are you livin’ on a prayer?