Last Wednesday, I mentioned Egyptian Days. These are fixed days each month which are particularly inauspicious, especially if doing various things such as blood letting and eating goose. And today is one of July’s. The difference with Egyptian Days to say Parisian Days, or perillous dayes, or Friday the 13th, or general unlucky days, is that some bright spark managed to whittle it down to which hour would be the absolute worst, or the most ‘dangerous’ hour. And for 13 July, that hour is 12.
Having slept through the first 12, rather than going back to bed and wrapping myself up in a duvet for an hour, I did the next best thing. At 11.55am, I unplugged my laptop, placed it far away from me, sat on my sofa, and busted out a jigsaw. And for the next hour all I did was reconstruct Canaletto’s London, The Thames with View of the City and St Paul’s Cathedral out of wooden whimsy pieces while watching The Good Place on autoplay.
Wooden whimsy pieces like this rancid little f*cker:
Or this:
Never trust a re-gift.
But jigsaw rage aside, I survived the dangerous hour unscathed. Not even a paper cut. Plus I gained a better understanding of Utilitarianism and Kant. And I got to do a jigsaw, which is never a bad thing despite part of the sky being made out of a chunk of bilge resembling the Houses of Parliament. Jigsaw rage is real.
Also, I’m now confident I know for definite who ate all the pies.
Skemer, D.C. (2010) ‘“Armis Gunfe”: Remembering Egyptian Days’ in Traditio, Vol. 65 (2010), pp. 75-106