Where to start. You know when you’re so bursting with pride and awe and admiration for a friend, that stringing a sentence together that doesn’t…
2 November 2020 – All Souls’ Day
I am full of biscuits and gin. It’s All Souls’ Day, the last day of Allhallowtide, and the day to commemorate the souls of those…
20 October 2020 – Autumn Glories
Tonight was one of those rare nights when you stumble across something so special it takes your breath away (and makes you have a little…
19 October 2020 – A History of Séances
Three things. First, I posted this beauty today. And thank goodness I started it way back in August, otherwise I’d never have finished it in…
13 October 2020 – Ada Lovelace Day
My day has been filled with awesome women, which seems appropriate it being the second Tuesday in October, and therefore Ada Lovelace Day. Maths was…