I’ve just finished the folklore and written the post and realised I’ve got the whole sodding date wrong. Twat.
So, for the purposes of this blog, and my sanity, I need you to pretend that it’s yesterday, 8 October. A little exercise in time travel.
Ready? Here goes:
Today was one of those days where my brain took a circuitous route to get to the folklore. It all started with:
- Today being World Octopus Day, which made me (happy) think of ink, which made me think of
- Inktober, a worldwide tradition started by Jake Parker in 2009 to improve his drawing skills by inking something every day for the month of October, which made me think of
- Mab’s Drawlloween Club, a Halloween themed drawing challenge on Twitter and Instagram, also running from the start of October up until Samhain
- And today the theme is Tarot
- And what are the four suits in Tarot? Cups, Swords, Wands and
PTentacles! - And we’re back to World Octopus Day!
So I drew an octopus. In ink. I was going to design an octopus tarot card, the Eight of Tentacles, but it’s been a week, and I’m tired. So an octopus it was. Not bad for a first attempt. I love it when a plan comes together.

You see, that wasn’t so bad, was it? You didn’t even need 1.21 gigawatts. Is it the weekend yet?
Ps. I managed to count seven stars tonight. But I’m not holding my breath.