The Everyday Lore Project

30 June 2020 – Ceromancy

30 June 2020 – Ceromancy

Today I’ve been practising the art of ceromancy, a fancy way of saying I’ve been using melted wax to predict the future. It’s the end of June, we’re half way through the year and I’m nearly half way through the project, so I thought now might be a good time to see if I can divine what happens next. 

Ceromancy, or carromancy, or wax scrying, is the ancient practise of reading meaning into wax drippings, rather like reading tea leaves, and there are all sorts of ways of doing it. Some say it should be done in a brass bowl, while others say in a glass bowl. The water can be rain, or spring, or tap (which is a relief, as although it’s been pelting, the rain had stopped by the time I’d come to do this). The candle should be of a correlating colour to the question, so for instance if you’re asking about a job, orange would be a good candle to burn. But in a pinch you can sub in a white candle, as white contains all the colours. Which I did.  

I have neither brass nor glass bowls, so went instead for a large glass filled with tap water. Pre-dripping, I focused on my question. Having now done quite a few of these, I know I need some sort of specificity built into to my question to make it quantifiable. It’s no good asking, am I going to be happy? as that can mean far too many things. So I thought of an outcome I could properly measure and concentrated. Then, as instructed, I divided up the glass into a time frame – every quarter was approximately six weeks, making the full circle six months. Once that was done, I was ready to begin.

The nice lady on the video I watched this afternoon, warned me that initially the wax was going to drip in tiny splotches that would migrate to the rim before something more solid formed in the middle. Which was exactly what happened. And that I should stop when I felt it was the right time, which I did. 

From the studio that brought you the thrilling Incense Burning, comes Wax Dripping.

As for divining what all the shapes meant, the nice lady said to go with intuition, while other sources said to go with accepted meanings like with those for reading tea leaves. I went with intuition. At first glance it was just a load of shapes. No letters or numbers or symbols. On closer inspection however, there were a couple of amoebas, and a spray of cherry blossom. I ignored the coffiny shaped drips, preferring to think of them as slightly misshapen tortilla chips. I am always up for nachos. 

So then I fished out the middle blob and tried to read that. The front was sort of wavy, or arse-like, and when I turned it over, it looked a little like an anatomical heart, or a pig vomiting. Looking back into the glass I tried again to see something. It’s a bit like lying on the grass and looking at shapes in the clouds. You kind of have to tune in in order to see. And after a bit I did see some things. Which was interesting. So if I’m looking at the circumference of the glass as measurements of time, I reckon if whatever is going to happen happens, it might be just after Halloween. Hmmm.

Right I need to get rid of this glass of water before I forget about the wax and take a swig. Here’s that nice lady explaining it all a bit more properly:

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Struthers, J. (2007) The Psychic’s Bible, London, Octopus Publishing Group Ltd

Published by Liza Frank

Author of My Celebrity Boyfriend. Obsessed with hula hooping, sons of preachermen and fresh dates, sometimes all at the same time. Curator of Folklore Agony and The Everyday Lore Project.

2 comments on “30 June 2020 – Ceromancy”

  1. Glorious Barbara says:

    So we can conclude that just after Halloween, a pig will win your heart by vomiting and waving at your arse. Who said romance was dead eh!

    1. Be still my beating heart…

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