An Invitation

An Invitation

I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey… Nope, that’s the beginning of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Start again.

I would like, if I may, to invite you to a bit of a howling. And while I’m about it, maybe some bay leaf love divination, a jar of booze swilling shoe cleaning and a smattering of aphrodisiac nibbling.

Because in two weeks, Everyday Folklore is being published and I thought, to get everyone in the mood, you might like to join me in a folklore challenge by following the folklore of the 23, 24 and 25 October and then to mark publication day in the UK, having a good old howl on 26 October, given it’s also Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night.

I’ll be going back to the roots of The Everyday Lore Project and experiencing and writing up my folklore forays for these days and I would very much like some company! 

So here’s the craic, to make the challenge as painless as possible, in preparation, next week I will be posting a shopping list of what you’ll need (all v cheap and simple). Then on the morning of each day, I’ll post instructions so you’ll know what to do. Then off we all go and do some folklore, reconvening in the evening with the results. None of the folklore should take more than 5 mins (especially as you’ll be primed in advance for what you’ll need) and all of it you can tailor to your individual peculiarities. Not that I think readers of this blog are peculiar, well not really.

So what do you reckon? Are you game for a little three day folklore challenge with a bonus celebratory howl at the end? Hope so. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments… And if you want to get your mitts on a copy in time for publication day, just click this button: 

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