Happy New Year!
I have pinched, I have punched. I have white rabbitted and made resolutions (one of which I’ve already nearly broken). I’m avoiding the laundry for fear of washing away the coming year’s luck, and I’ve opened all the windows that I haven’t accidentally painted shut to usher the old year out and welcome the new one in. And all before breakfast.
So you’d think that I’d start The Everyday Lore Project on the first day of a new decade, wouldn’t you? Well, no. It starts next Tuesday. Why? Well, you’ll have to find out next Tuesday (spoilers). But even though I haven’t officially started, I’m still going to give myself a bit of a head start with my first #FolkloreFOMO post.
A #FolkloreFOMO or #FolkloreFearOfMissingOut (I’m just too lazy to keep typing that) post is a post that will appear on the first of every month during the project, and I’m hoping it will achieve three things. The first is to give you the opportunity to tell me about the traditions and rituals you have planned for the month ahead – for example, do you wait until 12th Night to take all your Christmas decorations down, or are they already packed away? And when do you acknowledge 12th Night? Are you a 5th Jan or a 6th Jan person*? Do you do Veganuary, or Dry January, or some other whole month thing? Do you have a birthday coming up? Do you have any tricks to share for warding off the winter blues? Or a definitive day for when I should get my hair cut?
Which leads me nicely onto my second reason – plagiarism. There are only so many books I can read and websites I can trawl through to get my ideas for the coming year, so if I can tempt you into sharing what you get up to, and your folklore knowledge and traditions, I’m hoping to steal be inspired by your ideas and maybe even join you (if you want the company. Or you could join me!). My biggest fear about this project is missing out on some good folklore, hence #FolkloreFOMO, so anything you think I should be doing, please tell me.
And finally, it gives me a chance to sneak preview a few of the things coming up (and, obviously, ask for more help and advice). So get ready for:
7 Jan – Ain’t nobody stealing my flax/Hangover cures – what’s your go to remedy after a night on the sauce?
11 Jan – Celebrating the Old New Year – does anyone know where I can get a juniper twig in Sussex?
13 Jan – It’s Han Galen! Welsh speakers – can anyone teach me some Welsh insults in case the Mari Lwyd comes a-knocking?
24 Jan – It’s the first New Moon of the decade – what would you recommend?
If you have any ideas or thoughts, leave them in the comments below or tweet me @lilithepunk. Of course, you don’t have to join in at all, just reading along is brilliant support. But if come this time next year, you’re standing with me in a farmer’s yard about to help me flat-cake a cow, I’ll know my work here is done… Happy New Year and see you back here on the 7th !
*Meantime, about that 12th Night question…