A frustrated pagan asks the Folklore Agony Aunt for help with a ley line and some pesky, entitled neighbours…
Photo by Christine Schmiederer on Pexels.com
Photo by Thirumalai Rajan P on Pexels.com
Alone Too Long?
A lonely singleton asks the Folklore Agony Aunt to give them hope and advice to get them back in the dating game…
I Can’t Fix My Broken Heart
A broken-hearted reader asks the Folklore Agony Aunt if there is anything she can do to make her heart whole again…
Wandering Hob
A concerned reader asks the Folklore Agony Aunt the best way to accommodate a hob and keep him happy as suburbia encroaches on his territory…
Photo by Mike Bird on Pexels.com
Family Curse
A cursed reader asks the Folklore Agony Aunt what they should do to combat a family hex and help them find a job…