Today I’ve tried to be funny. It’s the 39th anniversary of John McEnroe’s epic meltdown in his first round game against Tom Gullikson at Wimbledon in…
30 May 2020 – Appetite
Today I’ve been trying to get a handle on both my middle age spread and my lockdown arse. Although as I writer, I’m prone to spending a lot of time sitting down, the whole lockdown thing has taken my inertia to soaring new levels and with it my hankering for all things carbohydrate. So I thought I would try a spell to curb my enthusiasm for eating…
19 April 2020 – Quasimodo Sunday
Today’s adventure in folklore was difficult to pin down even though it’s Low Sunday, aka Little Easter Sunday, aka Hock Sunday, aka Balaam’s Ass Day,…
5 February 2020 – Ogham
So today is a total fudge as I’m running to stand still. I was going to give a big spiel about Ogham, the ancient Irish…
4 February 2020 – Automatic Writing
Today I had my cynicism unexpectedly challenged. I had a go at automatic writing, the practice of channelling ‘something’ to guide your writing. This ‘something’…