Links from the post: Header: My May Day Wicker Man Imbolc – 31 January 2020 – St Brigid’s Eve & 1 February 2020 – St…
23 June 2020 – Midsummer’s Eve
Today I ran as if Death were on my heels. Which supposedly He was. It’s Midsummer’s Eve. Midsummer is often confused with the Solstice but…
14 June 2020 – Honeysuckle
Today I’ve been controversial about honeysuckle. Honeysuckle, along with rose, is June’s birth flower and depending where you are it’s also called woodbine, kettle-smocks, bear-bind…
12 June 2020 – Haircut
Today I more or less chickened out of giving myself a lockdown haircut. I’m not a huge fan of having my hair cut at the…
26 April 2020 – Talisman
Today I found out that I am indeed a witch. Or a rogue. For it is said that only witches and rogues can grow parsley…