Today I have been smearing mashed turnip on my feet. It’s Rogation Sunday, the start of Rogationtide which lasts until Wednesday. And Rogationtide was when…
10 May 2020 – Battledore and Shuttlefeathers
Today’s folklore started with an exorcism, continued with a missed knob-eating opportunity, and finished with some shuttlecock divination. Whoever said folklore was dull, was not…
3 May 2020 – Nick o’Thungs Day
Today I’ve been getting my tongue in a twist. It’s Nick o’ Thungs (or Thumbs) Day, aka Rood Day, aka Avoiding Day, aka Booting Day,…
26 April 2020 – Talisman
Today I found out that I am indeed a witch. Or a rogue. For it is said that only witches and rogues can grow parsley…
19 April 2020 – Quasimodo Sunday
Today’s adventure in folklore was difficult to pin down even though it’s Low Sunday, aka Little Easter Sunday, aka Hock Sunday, aka Balaam’s Ass Day,…