Let’s just call today a homage, a modern interpretation if you will, a fudge. Because almost nothing about my stagpag was either stag or pag. …
10 November 2020 – Martinmas Eve
Firstly, apologies. My website has been up and down like a pixie on a pogo stick since early evening yesterday. So if you tried and…
Are you seeing that face too?
28 September 2020 – Michaelmas Eve
There’s no getting round my serious lack of commitment this Michaelmas Eve. Oh, I made a struan Micheil after 8hrs hunched over my computer. And…
15 August 2020 – Marymass
Woke up to the first fog I’ve seen this August, so that’s at least one bout of snow we can look forward to. The day…
11 August 2020 – Old Lammas Eve
Today is Old Lammas Eve, and on Old Lammas Eve there is a Scottish tradition of raiding rowan trees for their branches, twisting them into…