Today I’ve been hoovering. No, wait! Come back! This was legitimate folklore-activated hoovering! For it’s said that on the first of March, the Devil shakes…
28 February 2020 – Kissing Friday
As today is known as Kissing Friday, I have been preparing my lips for a proper puckering up. Kissing Friday, or the more dubiously named,…
25 February 2020 – Shrove Tuesday
Today I went a little rogue. Yes I know it’s Pancake Day also known as Shrove Tuesday also known as Brose Tuesday also known as…
14 February 2020 – Plum Shuttle Day
Today I have mostly been eating plum shuttles, because today is Plum Shuttle Day. It’s said that should a child knock on your door before sunrise on 14 February and shout ‘Good morrow Valentine!’ at you twice before you can stop them, you have to give them a shuttle or some money.
3 February 2020 – St Blaise's Day
Today is St Blaise’s Day. St Blaise is the patron saint of woolcombers for the slightly ghoulish reason he died while being pulled apart by…