Continuing the legume theme, today I planted me some kidney beans. It’s the second Tuesday in May, aka St Pancras’ Day, aka the day of…
3 May 2020 – Nick o’Thungs Day
Today I’ve been getting my tongue in a twist. It’s Nick o’ Thungs (or Thumbs) Day, aka Rood Day, aka Avoiding Day, aka Booting Day,…
25 January 2020 – St Dwynwen’s Day
So I thought to myself, why not write a short love poem using Welsh bardic form? I mean, how difficult could it be? I’m thinking that my burnt clarity-labelled bay leaf from yesterday is yet to start working.
20 January 2020 – Washing on St Agnes' Eve
A quiet day full of laundry and love divination. After all, it is Monday…
Yes, You Do Do Folklore
I’ve written a poem. I don’t usually write poems because frankly, they scare me. But in order to illustrate how we’re all guilty of indulging…