Come and challenge my syllables if you think you’re hard enough! Or, if you’re after a totally original stocking filler, bid on me in the Mari Lwyd Charity Auction in aid of Refuge and get a bespoke haiku on the folklore subject of your choice!
20 October 2020 – Autumn Glories
Tonight was one of those rare nights when you stumble across something so special it takes your breath away (and makes you have a little…
15 October 2020 – Rainbow
I was going to write Virgil a poem in hexameter to celebrate his 2090th birthday but then I saw a rainbow. Rainbows are tricky things, and…
25 August 2020 – Detectives’ Day
The day was wet and unpleasant like being slapped on the thigh with a day-old fish. Outside the wind swung off the tree branches and…
18 August 2020 – St Helena’s Day
I learnt something new today. Which may not come as a huge surprise, as let’s face it, I’ve generally learnt something new every day since…