My aim tonight is to be super quick as I have Other Life waiting*. Having said that, I’m sure to waffle. Onwards! It’s Apple Day.…
14 October 2020 – The Battle of Hastings
Something rather curious happened today. It’s the 954th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, where Harold was killed by an arrow, as my history teacher, Miss…
11 October 2020 – Harvest Festival of the Sea
I’m not going to lie, it was all going very badly even before I broke my netting shuttle. I didn’t mean to, but I’d bought…
26 September 2020 – Blackberry Leaf Tea
I’m not sure I’d recommend this one. Six weeks ago on St Lhuany’s Day, I picked a load of blackberries and their leaves, washed them,…
21 September 2020 – Mabon
Mabon starts today and runs until a week tomorrow. Mabon is a relatively new term, adopted in the 1970s and is the second harvest celebration…