Well that was possibly the worst night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time. I woke from multiple dreams containing multiple potential suitors, but the…
19 August 2020 – New Moon
Today’s a quickie as the real action doesn’t take place until after I’ve gone to bed. There’s a piece of Cornish folklore that states that…
24 June 2020 – Midsummer’s Day
Today I butchered a rose in the name of love and folklore science only to realise at the end, I’d gone horribly wrong. It’s Midsummer’s…
23 June 2020 – Midsummer’s Eve
Today I ran as if Death were on my heels. Which supposedly He was. It’s Midsummer’s Eve. Midsummer is often confused with the Solstice but…
25 April 2020 – St Mark’s Day
Today started on the beat of midnight. If you’ve not already read yesterday’s post, you’ll have no idea why I was hovering in the kitchen,…