Today I’m a tiny bit drunk writing this. It’s National Martini Day so I’ll give you no guesses as to what I’ve been doing. I’m…
18 June 2020 – Incense pt 2: The Burn
Today I’ve outdone myself in being dull. I’ve just observed my incense burn, the folklore equivalent of watching paint dry. The instructions said to leave…
13 June 2020 – Incense
Today I made some incense. It’s St Antony of Padua’s Day which has nothing to do with incense and everything to do with lost things.…
9 June 2020 – St Columba’s Day
Today I’ve been clamping a St John’s Wort flower to my armpit. It’s St Columba’s Day and it’s said, along with chastising the Loch Ness…
6 June 2020 – Conversating With My Cat
Today I’ve been communing with my cat. Or at least trying to. It’s been well documented that my psychic abilities are in poor condition, but,…