Come and challenge my syllables if you think you’re hard enough! Or, if you’re after a totally original stocking filler, bid on me in the Mari Lwyd Charity Auction in aid of Refuge and get a bespoke haiku on the folklore subject of your choice!
Everyday Folklore One Year On
Fancy a folklore quiz to celebrate the first anniversary of the publication of Everyday Folklore: An almanac for the ritual year? Of course you do….
The Cat’s Out of the Bag
So, you may or may not have noticed (I don’t pretend to be at the top of everybody’s inbox wish list) that I’ve not been…
A Shiny New Thing
I’m doing a shiny new thing, and it’s called The Everyday Lore Project…
It was a di-sah-ster, darling...
Stuck in the Second Circle of Sex Scene Hell
I’ve been writing a sex scene for what feels like an eternity. It’s like living in a seedier version of Groundhog Day but without Bill…