The Everyday Lore Project

10 March 2020 – Weather vs Weather

10 March 2020 – Weather vs Weather

Today I’ll be weather watching. As there are two trains of thought over what the weather means today, I thought I’d post early in the hope people would record their weather in the poll below. Then at the end of the day a winner can be declared (although I am already liking Team Brighton’s answer).

So here’s the craic. It’s thought that 10 March suffers from calendar change because there are two conflicting weather predictions connected with it. Courtesy of Steve Roud’s The English Year the first is:

Mists or hoar frosts on the 10th of March betoken a plentiful year

Shepherd’s Kalendar, c.1680

And then there’s 

If it does not freeze on the 10th of March, a fertile year may be expected

Peasant Speech of Devon, turn of C20th

With the calendar change happening in 1752. 

Mind you, the above descriptions do sound a little win-win. So I’ve added a couple more poll categories just for balance.

So what weather are you having today? Given I’ve woken up to a fog, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some future plentifulness…

And if you’re feeling really chatty – let me know in the comments where you were when you recorded your weather!

Thank you!

UPDATE: It looks like the overwhelming weather reported today has been rain. Well, I’m going to spin that as not freezing, so hang on to your hats, things are going to get fecund…


Header: Michael Fish, credit: PA Wire

Roud, S. (2006) The English Year: A Month-By-Month Guide To The Nation’s Customs and Festivals, From May Day to Mischief Night, London, Penguin Books

Published by Liza Frank

Author of My Celebrity Boyfriend. Obsessed with hula hooping, sons of preachermen and fresh dates, sometimes all at the same time. Curator of Folklore Agony and The Everyday Lore Project.

15 comments on “10 March 2020 – Weather vs Weather”

  1. Chris Stagg says:

    Morning! Wasn’t sure if this would count as no frost but put ‘other.’
    Its 9.15 in Essex. A grey cloud covered sky. No frost. No rain. No sun. Chilly but not cold… jumpers or coats

    1. Hmm, tricky one! Thanks for the update and wrap up warm!

  2. leecarnell says:

    09:33 Tunbridge Wells, Grey overcast sky, windy and cold.

  3. Carol says:

    Grey and gloomy here in North West Kent/South East London (depending on one’s allegiances ). Either way it’s grey and gloomy ☹️

    1. ☹️ indeed! Fingers crossed for some sun!

  4. Glorious Barbara says:

    Grey and windy yet mild and clammy (London suburbs). A most irregular combo.

    1. We are talking about the weather round your end, aren’t we?

  5. Glorious Barbara says:

    Well yes, that as well!

  6. Sean says:

    It’s sunny here, and cold but not as bad as last night, which was wet and windy, more like November. From my flat window I can see very grey cloud drifting by and sudden bursts of sunshine – right now it’s grey again. Odd. This is Cleethorpes in March not Denley Moor anytime.

  7. Sean says:

    Yes. Yes, it is. Now it’s even greyer but with faint suggestions of mist from the estuary and then a few seconds of sun and gusts of wind. It’ll probably snow in a minute. Maybe Thor or Ymir will put in an appearance. Then it’ll be grey again. I’m told it’s similar in Derby, where I was yesterday.

    1. Hang on, now it sounds exciting…

  8. Allen Henderson says:

    Wet and windy, with the emphasis on windy now.

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